Agency Roles

Lead Agency

The USACE Mobile District is the lead federal agency with the final authority to determine whether, where, when, and under what terms and conditions a permit would be issued to the Applicant for the Pascagoula River Drought Resiliency Project.

The primary federal involvement associated with the proposed action is the discharge of fill material into waters of the United States for the purpose of constructing the proposed dams. The USACE Mobile District decision will be to either issue, issue with modification, or deny a Department of the Army permit for the proposed action.

Cooperating Agency

A cooperating agency is an agency that has jurisdiction by law or special expertise with respect to any environmental issue involved in a proposed action (or a reasonable alternative). A cooperating agency will assist the lead agency by participating in the NEPA process and typically will provide technical support for the analysis of impacts related to its jurisdiction or special expertise. Cooperating Agencies will be listed here once they are confirmed for this project.

A cooperating agency for this project will be U.S. Fish and Wildlife.

The USACE will also be coordinating with the following agencies during the EIS process:

  • U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
  • Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality
  • Mississippi Department of Natural Resources